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- When in a moving vehicle, always fasten your seat belt
- Carry your Lebanese / international driving license or your foreign driving license along with a corresponding equivalence with you when you are driving: it must be in accordance with the Lebanese law, under penalty of forfeiture of your right
- Keep your registration card in your vehicle
- Always lock the doors of your vehicle
- Don’t drink and drive | Don’t text and drive | Don’t apply make up and drive | Don’t drive drowsy
- Always put on a helmet when driving a motorcycle or performing any sport requiring protection
- Lock the doors of your property at all times
- Always keep your valuables in a locked safe
- Be a healthy consumer | Eat well | Drink responsibly | Don’t smoke
- Keep your medical insurance card with you at all times
- Add a card in your wallet with your blood type and the phone number of an emergency contact
- Keep a first aid kit at home and at the office
- Provide all your employees with safety rules and add tangible protection tools for your workmen
- Travel light, get properly vaccinated when needed, and keep your travel insurance with you when abroad
- Keep important phone numbers within reach: Red cross : 140 | Police : 112 | Civil defense : 125